Video: A Tale of Two Burgers

Video: A Tale of Two Burgers

In this video you’ll discover how can we find out the exact eco-footprint of two different burgers. Built on blockchain with integrated industrial sensors, ReCarbonX Systems automatically collects every processing, supply and manufacturing step along the way, to build an accurate and trustworthy picture of each individual burger’s entire eco-footprint.
So you can vote with your wallet to support the manufacturers who really are making a difference!

Corporate Sustainability Goals and the Zone of Grey Fuzz

Corporate Sustainability Goals and the Zone of Grey Fuzz

An increasing number of corporations have announced large-scale, ambitious sustainability plans in attempts to reduce their millions of metric tons of annual CO2 emissions.
But when it comes to carbon offset, there’s a Zone of Grey Fuzz surrounding the whole issue: Does the general public understand that any offsets must be additional? How can we know that offset programs are doing what they say they’re doing? What’s the actual impact?